'The Challenges of the SADC EPA negotiations' - 26 June 2007

The SADC EPA group is one of the six ACP regions that hope to finalise the negotiations of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the EC by the end of 2007. EPAs, which are to replace the current regime of non-reciprocal trade preferences, aim to stimulate development and regional integration, to be compatible with WTO rules and to not make any ACP state worse off than it currently is. For the SADCregion, the negotiations are even more complex and challenging, given the recent inclusion of South Africa as a full member of the group. The fact that South Africa already has signed a free trade agreement (TDCA) with the EU has an impact on the marge the manoeuvre of the group and influences some of the positions taken by the group. It undoutedly also affects the EU's reponse and attitude in the negotiations.

ECDPM, RTFP and SAIIA organised a one day seminar with the aim to bring the major concerns of SADC member countries in the EPA negotiations to a wide range of EU stakeholders. For further information please find the programme, the list of participants , the presentations, further background material and the report.

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