
Showing posts from April, 2008

Pour l’OCDE, l’Afrique devient la nouvelle terre promise

NFC Africa to invest $150m on Zambia mine

Mixed reviews on wealth funds aiding Africa

China Nonferrous to mine more in Africa

Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe refuses to give up

India and Africa: When trade winds smell sweet

Indian financial reform: Why Mr Rajan is right

La grève générale au Zimbabwe ne prend pas, l'ANC hausse le ton

Les exportations malgaches augmentent dans la région

India's corporate biggies make multibillion-dollar plans for Egypt

The Trilateral Partnership: EU-China-Africa

The Addis Ababa declaration on EPAs

Africa: India-Africa Summit Fosters Development

Africa: Continent Rejects Sections of Trade Deal With Europe

EU to press Africa on trade deals, MEP says

Africa: Trade Experts Seek Greater Information Sharing Among ACP Countries

Fragments of trade

India announces duty free tariff scheme for developing nations

Rail concession not favouring Zambia